Sunday, April 5

Term assignment


You are to write a paper and submit in Microsoft Word
format. The work submitted must be your own original work, and not work taken from previous assignments. The objective of the assignment is to see how you can apply the theory of the course to a real situation in your environment.  The assessment is linked to learning outcomes 01, 02, and 03.


Include the following components: a cover page (name, id, course, date), main section and references (Harvard format). The main paper should clearly have an introduction, main body, and conclusion. For readability, please use 12- size font and single spaced paragraphs. The assignment should be between 4000-5000 words or about 8-12 pages (without cover page and references).


Part 1. Think of a BPM project that could be done in your organization. Describe the current process and the main issues.

Part 2. For your BPM project, execute any three of the following phases of the BPM methodology seen throughout the course:
               Organization strategy phase (ch. 13)
               Process architecture phase (ch. 14)
               Launch pad phase (ch. 15)
               Understand phase (ch. 16)
               Innovate phase (ch.17)
               People phase (ch. 18)
               Develop phase (ch. 19)

Your paper will be evaluated in the following manner.
Structure, format: 3 pts
Clarity: 3 pts
Part 1: 6 pts
Part 2: 18 pts