Wednesday, December 24

Blood Donation

When a person gives away blood for the use of other people, it is called “Blood Donation”. Blood donations are very much important for health care system. If there are o volunteers of blood than there will be much more deaths and more complications related to health care issues.
How the blood is donated
There are different blood collecting organizations working in different areas of the world. These organizations held sessions for blood collection. Representatives of the organization ask few questions about your health and a take a test of your blood to become confident that there is no danger to you or the person to whom this blood is to be used. 470 ml of your blood is collected during the blood donation. After the blood collection you are asked to take rest for some time and refreshments are offered to you. It is recommended to keep a gap of 12 weeks for men and 16 weeks for women between the blood donations.
Use of blood donated
Mostly your blood is separated into its components (Red cells, platelet and plasma) to use these in different situations.
Plasma is used in abnormal clotting causing bleeding, liver disease and when a large volume of blood has been lost.
Red blood cells are used in situations of anemia and to replace the blood due to an accident.
Platelets are used in leukemia and persons with blood clotting disorders.
It also can be used to improve the life of a person with a terminal illness.
Blood donations types
There are different types of blood donations, some important one are shortlisted below for your information. These donations are used for different purposes.
(i)                 Platelet donation: -
                                   If there is high number of platelet count in the blood, these may be donated directly as the normal blood donated. But, the difference between the normal blood donation and the platelet donation is that it takes longer. It is used for person who has fever platelets in the blood
(ii)               Cord blood donation: -        
                                          Cord blood is taken from placenta and umbilical cord and it is donated after the baby birth. Decision of donation is taken before the birth. This blood is rich in stem cells and it is used for leukemia and other conditions.

Everyone can donate blood?
People between the ages of 17 to 65 can donate but it is not enough, your health is important thing which can allow the donation of blood. Every healthy person between the ages of 17 to 65 can donate except the person with HIV, Syphilis and hepatitis C.
More need of blood donation
It has been researched that in developed countries there are large number of people who could donate blood. But, merely 4% of them actually donate. This percentage is very low keeping in view the blood needs. In developed countries about 7000 blood transfusions are carried daily. Therefore the need could not be fulfilled with the existing stock of blood. Another problem for fulfilling the blood needs is that donated blood can’t be stored for a longer period of time, stock of blood is need to be refreshed continuously. We take the example of red blood cells; it has to be refreshed after every 35 days.