Wednesday, February 20

AIOU Solved Assignment (Autumn 2018): General Methods of Teaching (8601): Assignment No. 1

Q.1 A teacher's personality traits are important to create and maintain a class room/learning environment why? 


Knowledge and skills are taught and learned at school. School is a little community in itself where teachers and students interact with each other. During this interaction teachers influence their learner’s behavior and learners influence their teacher’s behavior.
The nature of this interaction is an important factor in determining the learner's perceptions of school and his/her attitudes toward school-related persons and activities. This factor involves the relationship between the personality of the teacher and that of the learner.

A teacher’s personality traits are important as Callahan, (1966) says that the teacher whose personality helps create and maintain a classroom or learning environment in which students feel comfortable and in which they are motivated to learn is said to have a desirable teaching personality.
Research says that teachers are cognitively oriented toward pupils while pupils are effectively oriented toward teachers. Teacher’s personality is, therefore, directly and indirectly related to learning and teaching in the effective domain as well as to that in cognitive and psychometric domains, (LEW, 1977).
  Teachers have rights and responsibilities to develop a climate in the classroom which supports     effective learning. Aristotle quoted in Stephen Covey, "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective       People", says we are what we repeatedly do.

Climate in their classroom is based on the teachers’ personality and style of teaching, the tone of their voice, and the little things they continually say and do on a daily basis. In the classroom, the learners’ behavior could be determined from the way their teachers behave with them.
Best, (1991, p. 275) says the teaching is “primarily concerned with developing qualities such as curiosity, originality, initiative, cooperation, perseverance, open-mindedness, self-criticism, responsibility, self confidence and independence”.
Marchbanks, (2000) in a study, examined the personalities of sixty students at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill through a 110-question questionnaire. The traits of passion, patience, cooperation, authoritativeness, and creativity were studied in particular because these are the essential personality traits of an effective elementary school teacher. He says teachers in the twenty- first century are responsible for the overall well-being of their students, as well as educating, disciplining, and stimulating their developing minds. Because teachers have these additional duties, many more requirements are needed to be an effective teacher. Let us read the personality traits, necessary to be able to accomplish all of the above stated tasks and duties.

Personal qualities

Elementary school teachers need the following characteristics:

  • strong interpersonal and communication s kills
  • a genuine interest in children and respect for their individuality
  • the ability to sens e children's individual needs
  • the ability to be creative, imaginative, patient, energetic, organized and resourceful
  • the ability to establish rapport children   and parents
  • strong leadership and teamwork skills and a good sense of humor
  • a high level of dedication to work which often impacts personal life style choice s
  • a clear, pleasant speaking voice and the ability to convey confidence
  • Positive  conflc   resolution skills and the ability to handle stress well.
They can enjoy finding different ways to solve problems and present information, and organizing and coordinating the work of others.
One must be passionate, patient, cooperative, authoritative, and creative in order to be an effective teacher beside the basic and extended knowledge of the subject he/she is teaching. A true passion for both the profession and the children is indispensable; a teacher must look forward to his/her job every single day, having the desire to instill in the students all the knowledge and skills needed to lead a happy, healthy life in today’s world. Patience is needed to maintain that passion and desire for teaching. In order to interact with the children and other teachers most effectively, an overall cooperative personality is needed. A degree of authoritativeness is necessary to preserve order and discipline in the classroom. Finally, teachers have to be creative in their approaches to instruction to earn the most successful results in educating their students (Marchbanks, 2000).
Thompson, Greer, and Greer (n.d) says that “every teacher should possess twelve characteristics such as displaying fairness, having a positive outlook, being prepared, using a personal touch, possessing a  sense of humor, possessing creativity, admitting mistakes, being forgiving, respecting students, maintaining high expectations, showing compassion, and developing a sense of belonging for students”. Let us read these characteristics as given bellow:

1)   Fairness

Fairness is one of the characteristics of the students’ favorite teachers. All humans possess an inbuilt sense of fair play. Whenever a person violates, the other person in this situation is prone to react negatively.
Any impression of favoritism, or lack of fairness, leaves scars on the life of persons that lasts forever. The students report in great detail, the unfair actions of their teachers when they had negative experience of competition between classmates, even after many years have passed.

2)   Positive Attitude

Another characteristic that students’ like most is the positive attitude and approach of their teachers they

use into the classroom. Scholars suggest that effective teachers are those who use meaningful verbal praise to get and keep students actively participating in the learning process. The effective teachers are generally positive minded individuals who believe in the success of their students as well as their own ability to help students achievements.
If the teachers have positive attitude they “catch students doing things right” rather than “catching them doing something wrong.” The students often recall praise and recognition that was given by their teachers at schools, and they point to the confidence and direction that often resulted in their lives.

3)   Preparedness

Competence and knowledge of the content area being taught is something that our college students have always mentioned about their favorite teachers. In a research the students pointed out that in classrooms where teachers were well prepared, behavior problems were less prevalent. The well-prepared teacher is more likely to be able to take time during lessons to notice and attend to behavioral matters, and is less likely to miss the beginnings of potentially disruptive activity. If, on the other hand, teachers have not  spent sufficient time in planning and preparation, they tend to be so focused on what they are doing that they miss the early signs of misbehavior. This ultimately results in frequent disruption, waste of valuable instructional time, and student’s frustration.

4)   Personal Touch

Teachers who are connected personally with their students; call them by name, smile often, ask about students’ feelings and opinions, and accept students for who they are. As well as the teachers who tell stories of their own lives events which relate to subject matter currently being taught, motivate student’s interest and endorse bonding with the students. Teachers who show interest in their students have interested students.

5)   Sense of Humor

If a teacher has the ability to break the ice in difficult situations with the use of humor, this is an extremely valuable asset for teaching. According to McDermott & Rothenberg (2000) students enjoy teachers with a sense of humor and remember those teachers who made learning a fun. Good teachers enjoy a laugh with the class occasionally.

6)   Creativity

Students always like the unusual things that their teachers do in creative ways. Construction of models or things from wastage like plastic bottles provides a field xxxvi

into which children could go and work by themselves quietly on academics activities like puzzles and word-finds.
Fun activities arranged by teachers into the classroom encourage the students towards learning.  Teachers can use unique ways of motivating their class. Teacher can set a reward for the class on reaching a particular academic goal. For example a teacher can give extra marks of work done by the students in a creative way.

7)   Willingness to Admit Mistakes

Like everybody, teachers may make mistakes. Sometimes students may know when their teachers make mistakes. Unfortunately, some teachers try to let the mistakes go unnoticed or cover over them quickly. Teachers who recognize their mistakes in a very humble and pleasant way and apologize them. This act of teacher provides an excellent model for the students, and they may be remembered as a good teacher.

8)   Forgiving

The effective teachers reflect a willingness to forgive students for misbehavior. For example if a student repeatedly asks irrelevant questions and detracts others from the lesson. The teacher can simply say the question is irrelevant and direct the student for further study.

9)   Respect

The teachers desire be respected by their students. The teachers who give respect to their students are always respected by them. Effective teachers can train their students be respectful by many ways such as, he can keep individual grades on papers confidentially, or can speak to students privately after misbehavior not in front of others. Good teachers show sensitivity for feelings and consistently avoid situations that unnecessarily make students uncomfortable.

10)   High expectations

Teachers with positive attitudes also possess high expectations for success. Teachers’ expectation levels affect the ways in which teachers teach and interact with students. Generally, students either rise to their teachers’ expectations or do not perform well when expectations are low or non-existent. The best teachers have the highest standards. They consistently challenge their students to do their best.

11)   Compassion

Hopefully, school is a place where children can learn and be nurtured in an emotionally safe environment. Sometimes in youngsters classrooms there may happens a significant amount of cruelty and hurt feelings. In these situations a caring teacher tries to reduce the impact of hurt feelings on learning xxxvii

12)   Sense of Belonging

Teachers developed a sense of family in their classrooms. A variety of strategies, such as random act of kindness awards, class picture albums, and cooperative class goals build a sense of unity and belongings and maintain an emotionally safe classroom. Good teachers also took strong measures to prevent mean and hurtful behavior like teasing and bullying. Effective teachers know well that when children feel emotionally and physically safe, they learn far better.
The teacher quality is the most important factor in determining school quality. But what factors determine the teacher quality? There are fifteen key characteristics that the administrators look for in their teachers, given in an article from Teaching for Excellence. Let us read the teacher’s characteristics from the administrator’s point of view:
Exhibit enthusiasm: The enthusiastic teacher can make learning fun for the students. if the teacher
has willingness to teach he can make a difference in the motivation of students. This quality also helps in building a sense of teamwork even beyond the classroom.
Know your content: Teachers must keep up with their field of expertise. The teacher must have

mastery of the knowledge and new developments in the field. For example if you teach kindergarten, subscribe to an early childhood journal. If you teach chemistry, attend the seminar at the local college. Only the knowledge of changing trends can make the teachers expertise of the field.
Be organized: In order to be organized, the teacher must learn how to handle the routine for example collecting student work, handing out materials, posting assignments, what to do when finished with an assignment, communicating class news, etc. Organized planning of teaching lessons spare teacher’s time and let him/her spend more time on student’ learning. Time with students. Established routines keep the class on track and give you more time for teaching and engaging students.

Teach actively: Hard working teachers are always appreciated. Good teachers are actively involved in teaching. They continuously move around, and notice the students’ behaviour and their learning activity.
Show a good attitude: A philosopher, Voltaire, said, "the most courageous decision one makes each
day is the decision to be in a good mood”. The students need models with positive attitudes. Notice what you say to others and your tone of voice. The teacher must show care, concern, and respect.
Establish successful classroom management: Teacher must establish the classroom management system from the first day of class. Because the discipline and management structure are essential for students to be on work. Teachers enforce management rules for an orderly class environment by using their qualities of consistent and fair. The inconsistent rules should not be enforced.

 Pace instruction: learning is directly related to the opportunity to learn. Students learn the most by doing, not by watching, not by standing in line, and not by listening. Teachers must plan an instructional time line for courses to be taught.

Maintain good people skills: On a primary report card, this trait is referred to as "works well with others". the teachers must have quality of work well with other people. the teacher’s behavior is judged by
others. Education is a people business. Good human relations skills are necessary for successful teachers.
Communicative: Good teachers give information clearly. They are concise, demonstrate and explain in detail. Teachers must give accurate directions when presenting new information. This process includes
explaining, outlining, summarizing, and reviewing. Too often children have no idea what they are learning or why they are learning it.
Question effectively: Questioning is a powerful teaching tool. The productive thinking occurs only through questioning. Ask questions directed to the whole class as well as to individuals. The questions are asked directly to the students by calling them by their names. Give time for students to think through their responses. This wait time keeps everyone involved and gives students a chance to think.

Differentiate instruction: One of the biggest challenges to teaching is working with students having a great range of learning styles, personalities, and rates of learning. Teachers need to mix different teaching
techniques such as auditory, visual, and hands-on techniques. For specific lessons, make subgroup of the students with similar weaknesses or skills.
Build success into your class: Success rate is important. If a student continuously makes mistakes, he/she can become frustrated which may result in behavior problems and loss of effort. Researches indicate that eighty percent success rate is acceptable. When students are not successful, provide them,
i) further instruction and/or ii) simplify the task until they can master the task.

Hold high expectations: High expectations need to be communicated for good performance.
Successful teachers don't just accept participation but they require it. In fact, students respect teachers who expect them to do their best.
Create a pleasant atmosphere: Don't allow your classroom to send out the aura of the haunted house on the hill. Miserable, dull, and boring environment will decrease the percentage of learning. Cheerful and
happy classrooms will stimulate learning. Teachers have to create a pleasant situation where students feel comfortable is a must for turning up the academic burner.
Be flexible: teaching requires flexibility. Teachers must be able to adjust and their teaching according to the available time and resources. During teaching it usually happens when teacher is sensitive enough to student needs. He/she can vary from the routines and rules to help a child? As a recent saying goes,
"The flexible shall not be bent out of shape."

Let us have a knowledge of the teachers’ professional qualities.

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Q No 2. Describe the process of course design planning? 


A lesson plan is a road map of the instructions. It shows what will be taught and how it will be done effectively during the class time. Teachers require a lesson plan to describe their course of instruction for one class. The lesson plan is necessary to guide the instruction. A lesson plan is required to describe the preferences of the, subject being covered, activities being held in the class, and to ensure the progress of the students about the lesson being taught to them
A well-developed lesson plan reflects the interests and needs of students. It contains the objectives of the lesson formulated in behavioral terms (indicate the change in behavior). The best and appropriate practices of teaching methodology and techniques to achieve the objectives are included in the lesson plan. The content to be covered in a class is indicated in a lesson plan. The evaluation procedures are also included in the lesson plan.
Lesson planning is beneficial for the teacher in many ways; such as:

 It he lps in a chieving goals and objectives, and same can be said on the part of the students.
 It he lps to ge t rid of proble ms or a void the m.
It gives a rea lity check of e ve ryda y pe rformance.
It improve s the ha bit a nd a ttitude of the s tude nts .
 It improve s the teaching skills.
 It ma ke s te a ching ordina ry a nd e a s y.
 It ma ke s the te a che r orga nize d during te a ching.
 Le s s on pla nning de te rmine s whe n to include the inte re s ting fa cts to a ttra ct the s tude nts a tte ntion.
It enables  the  teacher to impa rt the  thni gs the students can do at the best of their abilities.

1.1   Process of lesson planning

First of all, a teacher need to identify the learning objectives for the class, then design appropriate learning activities and develop strategies to obtain feedback on student learning. A successful lesson plan addresses and integrates these three key components:
 Obje ctive s for s tude nt le a rning
 Te a ching/le a rning a ctivitie s
 S tra te gie s to che ck s tude nt unde rs ta nding

Objectives specified for student learning help in determining the kinds of teaching and learning activities to be used in class. These activities will define the achievements of learning objectives. The following figure outline the planning of a lesson lxv

Figure No. 1: Planning of a lesson
A detailed planning of a lesson is emphasized through following stages:

Pre-Planning Stage

Before teaching the teacher has to think about the lesson plan for a particular class. The Center of Excellence in teaching (1999) recommends that the answers to the following questions may help the teachers to proceed for effective planning:
-  What are my objectives for this class?

Objectives are the statements of what the teacher wants students to learn. The objectives are most likely to be the same, or close to, the goals outlined during course planning. These are specific for a particular class.
-  What are the objectives for this class?

Objectives are the specific goal statements written in behavioral terms. They state exactly what the students should be able to do, in a class/ on a paper/ in an exam, etc. Objectives also specify the conditions under which the students should learn the material.
-  Why is this material important?

The teacher thinks about the importance of the skills or knowledge being taught to the students.
-  What content will be covered in the particular class?

Statement of the rationale (logical reasoning) will help the teachers to decide What content needs to be conveyed? Or
What will students need to know to meet the goals and objectives laid down in the course? Or What content is most essential for them to understand?

-  What will the students already know?

Each learner has different knowledge, the teacher must try to assess, what it is the students already understand or are able to do. Having the knowledge of the students’ previous learning the teachers are in a better position to decide where to begin the class and how to help students learn.
-  What materials will be needed?

These are the equipment to accomplish the goals the teacher decides if he/she needs equipments, overheads. Well planning in advance will allow the teachers to be prepared.

1.2   Designing a Lesson Plan

There are three main elements to a lesson plan that most of the teachers use. There is variation among these components. All of these may not be used in every class, because some plans may spread out over two or more classes. The elements are as following:

i)  Introduction

The introduction is a way to warm up students, to ease them into the class and to give them a context for what they are about to learn. Any of the following will be helpfull to take a good start:
 P rovide a n outline of wha t will be done in the cla s s . Giving a s tructure he lps the s tude nts to orga nize
their thoughts and integrate new ideas.
 S umma rize the pre vious les s on if the ideas a re s imilar to this clas s . Re call of previous knowledge helps

the students to relate new ideas too.
P re s e nt a n is s ue re la te d to the topic a nd a s k s tude nts to ge ne ra te a lis t of que s tions . Conne cting the lesson with these questions will give a picture of students’ experiences, they are familiar with and be able to relates the topic to their lives. This shows that what you are teaching is relevant and draws their attention.

ii)  Development

Development is an important part as it describes about teaching, or “instructional methods” such as, lectures, discussions, labs, collaborative learning, etc.
 Try to e nga ge s tude nts a s much a s pos s ible in the le a rning proce s s . Active le a rning is one of the wa ys
to engage students. It not only retains students’ attention but also helps them to develop higher-level thinking skills.
 Atte mpt to us e a va rie ty of teaching methods in a class. Any single method may not work for all
students. A variety of methods keeps their attention and enhances learning.
Give s tude nts the cha nce to a pply the ta ught s kills by us ing the conce pts . This will he lp the m le a rn a nd give a chance to the teacher to assess informally. This assessment will provide clarification of learning  and need for further practice.

iii)   Conclusion

Planning of how to tie it all together for the students is also important. Tell them once again what they would learn and why it is important to them. Consider the following activities in conclusion:

iv)   Ask for questions:

The last few minutes of class are an excellent time to have students raise questions and explore the ideas on their own.

v)   Summarize the main points and explain how they relate to the course:

Students do not always see how everything fits together. The teacher makes the link between the activities of one class to the larger course. In this way a teacher best helps the students develop a conceptual understanding.

vi)   Next lesson:

Again, this shows relevance to the lessons linked to one another and helps students develop a conceptual understanding.

vii)   Recapitalize or one-minute writing about the taught lesson:

With one or two minutes remaining in class, ask students to take out a sheet of paper and, without putting their name on it, write what they believe was the main idea of the class and one question they have about the lesson content.

1.3   The Post-Planning Stage

The teacher’s lesson planning process should take into consideration the need to assess whether students have learned? How effective the lesson was?

This assessment is not a complicated or difficult task. It is very simple and informal. For instance, using part of the class to let students work on problems you have given them, or discuss issues and apply concepts, can give you a good sense of what and how much they have learned. The one-minute writing about the lesson or homework problems can be similarly helpful.
Let us do an activity to ensure the learning of the read concept.

Q No.3 What strategies a teacher canuse in the classroom to motivate students?
The strategic teacher”. A strategic teacher is a model and mediator who demonstrates how to think through a given task, how to apply the strategies, and “what to do when you don’t know what to do”. Intercedes between the students and the learning environment to help students learn and grow. Anticipates problems in learning and plans solutions to solve them. Guides and coaches students through the initial phases of learning to independent learning.
Tkfinley (2011) has suggested different ways to create classroom discussion where students enjoy more freedom and safety to express them. These are as followings: clvi

1.   Classroom arrangement: Chairs and desks arranged in a circle is a preferred classroom arrangement for a discussion group. Students do not feel comfort in sitting in rows because it covers too much space and classroom looks confined. With a circle, the room will also feel less cluttered and students are likely to have more conversations because they can see each other's faces.
2.    Respect of opinions: Teacher should establish rules before generating classroom discussion. An environment where every one’s ideas are given respect is highly appreciated.
3.    Tackle the opinions: Teacher should tackle the wrong answers very carefully. Students with wrong answers should not be openly disagreed in front of the class. It may create unrest and fear among students of giving wrong answers. If a student gives an incorrect answer or doesn't understand the material, he/she may be asked questions to get him to reconsider. These questions can also be directed at the group. This process of asking questions will help him to rethink his position, help other students  who are confused and give their peers the opportunity to answer correctly.
4.   Memorization of students’ names: It is important for a teacher to motivate students to learn each other’s names. The first few days of class, if students have learnt their names and shared something interesting among the class, it would give them an opportunity to develop some rapport for onward classroom discussions. Teacher can play his role to help students to memorize their names by playing a game where students try to match names with personal information. When students are given permission to speak, call names. Identifying everyone by name will make the class more personable.
5.   Grouping: grouping is another important thing to create a smooth discussion. Small groups are more preferable. In these smaller groups, each student may be given a mini-assignment. Now everyone in the small group has a responsibility and something to share. This encourages students who are shy or less

comfortable with speaking in front of larger groups.
6.   Students’ involvement: Keep students involved in the discussion. Some students are very open and feel comfortable to share their opinions but some students are very shy to share their views with others. Teacher should ask follow-up questions to encourage students to get involved.
7.    Flexible schedule: flexible class schedule is also very important. Local, national, and international events can grab students' attention. Take some time to discuss these events. It will show to students that they are being valued what they're thinking about.

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Q No.4 What is meant by inductive reasoning? Provide examples regarding application of this method in classroom setting?

In any class students come from different backgrounds and contexts, they have different capabilities and different styles of learning. This situation demands different teaching techniques, strategies and methodologies, which teacher adjusts according to the situation and requirement. There are variety of techniques and methods which teachers use under the umbrella term inquiry approach. Inquiry is an approach that roots in the Socrates logical thinking. Teachers often use logic to foster the thinking of their students. During this process the teachers impose questions to their students after judging the level and ability. If the student answers the question correctly the question of higher order is asked. On the other hand if he/she could not the follow up questions are imposed to create the link between the known and  the unknown. There is variety of techniques but many teachers prefer inductive method according to Prince and Felder (2006) in inductive teaching learning process the instruction begins with specifics for example a set of observations or experimental data to interpret, a case study to analyze, or a complex real-world problem to solve. As the students attempt to analyze the data or scenario or solve the problem, they generate a need for facts, rules, procedures, and guiding principles, at which point they are either presented with the needed information or helped to discover it for themselves.
The inductive reasoning method moves from specific to general. These examples will help us to understand the concept of inductive reasoning. Consider this “Previous car accidents of this sort were caused by brakes failure, and therefore, this accident was also caused by brakes failure.” Similarly  while doing exercises of mathematics children use induction method “as previous question was solved by adding the numbers, therefore, this question may also be solved by same method”, and most of the time it comes true.
Some important aspects of the inductive teaching method are given as below.
1.   It gives new knowledge as student are supposed to involve in the process of knowledge construction.
2.   It is a method of discovery, where students discover the fact by their own involvement.
3.    It is a method of teaching; teachers used this by starting from the known facts and using different inquiry techniques to discover the hidden ones.
4.   Child acquires firsthand knowledge and information by actual observation.
5.   It is a slow process, as all the steps are interlinked and the students cannot move forward without the

mastery of the previous one.
6.    It trains the mind and gives self confidence and initiative to the students after being exposed to inductive method the students has more positive attitude towards taking initiatives in their studies.
7.   It is full of activity, many activities lead towards the generation of new knowledge.
8.    It is an upward process of thought and leads to principles, the students understand the philosophy behind that principle.


Education is back bone in the development of a society and teacher has a pivotal role in the education system. Effectiveness of a teacher is always gauged on the basis of teaching skills. Effective teaching skills are a precondition for translating theory into practice. The criterion of effective teacher includes not only the subject expertise, but ability to create an effective classroom environment in the classroom to reshape and redesign the knowledge, stimulate intellectual curiosity, encourage innovative and independent thinking of students. To inculcate these attributes in teachers, teacher training programs put utmost stress on developing skills among student teachers. During teaching practice, the novice student teacher uses teaching skills strictly per guidelines given by the teacher educator, but this state of affair becomes different in real class room situations.
Most importantly, the aim of teachers has always been to assist students to learn efficiently. To meet with this target, teachers have to be expert in applying different teaching skills during instruction. To achieve learning targets and to maximize learning, teachers must understand the significance of individual skill and the integration of various skills. This is imperative in secondary classes where teacher uses various techniques to keep students involved in the classroom, e.g. discussions, questions answers, use of teaching aids to change the sensory focus and, in particular, summarize to help students learn. A thorough knowledge of content matter is fundamental for teaching effectively. Besides this, logical presentation of subject matter is also essential for effective instruction. To plan the instruction in a logical sequenced way, teaching expertise is crucial. Even experienced teachers need to refine this aspect and add value to maximize the effect of teaching in the classroom (Sharma, 2000).
Teacher training programs inculcate effective teaching skills among teachers. Such Pre-service training programs assist teachers in grasping different teaching-learning theories related to help them to design subject matter, develop curriculum, and know psychological principles of andragogy and pedagogy. Such trainings foster teachers to learn the basics to teaching-learning process. Without understanding of how and under what circumstances a pupil becomes engaged in instructional activities, mapping a learning environment is vague. The circumstances under which students engage in learning include the classroom environment, the explicit teaching strategy used, and the place of the learning goal. In executing plans for instruction, a significant role is the introduction of introductory experiences a teacher applies to produce the yearning high level of students’ involvement. Techniques for set induction are crucial for planning and following precise procedures for getting the best of instruction. Pre-service training programs make use of a range of techniques i.e. simulation, demonstration, and especially, micro teaching to increase teaching skills among novices. Much value is attached to proper use of set induction, presentation, understanding

students’ psychological needs and students’ evaluation (Murthy, 2008).
There are two aspects of effective teaching. One aspect focuses on the teaching behavior and second aspect emphasizes on learning outcomes. Effective teacher is one who intellectually effective and utilizes different approaches during instruction by applying different learning activities. Implementation of teaching principles in the classroom is facilitated with certain skills acquired by teachers through education and training. Teaching skills is the combination of verbal and non-verbal behavior of a teacher. These skills can be examined and gauged in terms of a student’s change in behavior. This indicates that teaching skills are instructional techniques used by teachers to make teaching learning viable by initiating two way communications between teacher and student. Teacher’s performance is judged by the ability to know where and how to apply these skills. Teaching skills are essential for teachers as the means to  accomplish the eventual target of bringing constructive and desired change in the behavior of the students. All the teaching skills are interrelated and indispensible for each other. Teacher’s success is not determined not by the number of skills he/she applies in the class, but depends on how these skills are interlinked, regulated and adapted to make teaching an effective tool in helping students to become active learners, explorers and critical thinkers (Bhargava, 2009).

Here is a simple example of how induction works. Below is a proof (by induction, of course) that the th triangular number is indeed equal to  (the                                                                      th triangular number is

defined as dots).imagine an equilateral triangle composed of evenly spaced

Base Case: If

then         and



Inductive  Step:  Suppose  the  conclusion  is  valid  for   . That is, suppose we have

Adding                 to      both      sides,      we      get

conclusion holding for complete. so              the

implies that it holds for and our induction is


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  Q No. 5 a) What is an activity ?Discuss the importance of activity method. 

What is Activity Method?
Before explaining the activity method, it seems better to answer this question, what is an activity? Anything which is carried out with a purpose in a social environment involving physical and mental action. Such activities help in the establishment of stimulating environment for creative expression.

Types of Activities:

Activities can be of three types:
1.   Exploratory – Knowledge getting
2.   Constructive – Experience getting
3.   Expressional – Presentation

Activities will vary according to the age group of the students. At elementary level of education pupils may involve in different activities such as listening observing, planning, collecting, talking, singing, dramatizing, experimenting and constructing. The variety of activities grows as children progress in elementary program. This may include, painting, drawing, designing, wood carving, writing, composing, interviewing, acting, reading, map-making and graph making, field trips, gardening and camping. It is not always necessary that activity should only be motor or manipulative. It can also be mental. Knowledge-getting activities occupy a prominent place.

a)   Knowledge – Getting Activities

(i)   Here a group of pupils may be asked to make a study of the various sources of food articles consumed at home by questioning parents, merchants etc; by consulting labels on the foods. The data may be compiled and interpreted by the group.
(ii)   A committee of pupils may undertake to find out in a rural area, how many families have members who work also in the city or town for a part of the time. In a city, it may be enquired how many people in the

local community have come from rural areas and why they have come. With the teachers help, rough estimate of probable experience can be made.

b)   Experience – Getting Activities

For selection of activities and giving firsthand knowledge to the students teacher may arrange some field trips of any area such as industrial or agricultural. But for arranging the visit of any area, the provision of the available local resources must be focused, otherwise school will never allow for having this experience. Overall focused must be laid on no cost field visits.

c)   Presentation

A debate can be arranged on the topic “In the opinion of the house, mechanized agriculture is the only way of economic uplift in the Punjab. Maps showing the distribution of (1) agriculture crops, (2) major industries, (3) outstanding and localized cottage industries in the Punjab can be drawn. Charts showing
(a) The classification of industries on the basis of nature of goods produced, (b) flow of raw materials, labour and power to few major industries can be made. Graphs showing the member of industrial laborers in the Punjab from 1947 to 2010 etc can be prepared.
Practical and productive work can help in the better understanding of almost every subject. In geography, it may take the form of drawing maps, making models, illustrations, organizing excursions, keeping weather records, constructing in appropriate materials scenes from the life of different region is of the world etc. In history, in addition to the preparation of suitable illustrations, they may prepare and stage historical plays making the costumes, the stage effects, fixing the lights etc, themselves or co-operatively study local history or set up a small history museum and in fact, take up any projects that will bring history to life, in connection with the study of languages – particularly the mother tongue – they may undertake to write small booklets on subjects of special interest to them. The collection of material from relevant sources, its writing, editing, the binding of the booklets attractively will all form parts of a joyous project. Illustrated charts about great writers may be prepared-containing their pictures, short notes on their lives and works and brief appropriate question in prose or poetry from their writings or they may possibly attempt translations of some easy books and articles in English with the object of providing rich reading material for their fellow students in the library. Taking in view these three types of activities, some of the activities are suggested as under:
1.   Local survey and excursions.
2.   Debates, discussions, dialogues and symposiums.
3.   Hobbies
4.   Dramatization
5.   Clubs and societies
6.   Projects
7.   Competitions
8.   Re-creational and cultural programmes
9.   Social Service squads

10.   Students-self Government
11.   Camping
12.   Writing of community books in games etc.

In modern education, creative activities are occupying a prominent place in the school programme. Creative experiences and social activities are breaking away from the other approaches and exploring the new avenues of learning. This emerging pattern for teaching requires that teachers play a more vital role. The creation of a stimulating atmosphere for the learner, both in the learning laboratory and in the community is essential for an experience approach to function. Education for children should be rich enough to meet all needs in a way that will contribute to society.

Examples of Classroom Activities

Furthermore, in the classroom, students work primarily in group and learning and knowledge are interactive and dynamic. There is a great focus and emphasis on social and communication skills, as well as collaboration and exchange of ideas. This is contrary to the traditional classroom in which students work primarily alone, learning is achieved through repetition, and the subjects are strictly adhard to and guided by a text book. Some activities encouraged in the classroom:
Experimentation: Students individually perform an experiment and then come together as a class to
discuss the results.
Research Project: Students research a topic and can present their findings to the class.
Field Trips: This allows students to put the concepts and ideas discussed in class in a real-world context.
Films: These provide visual context and thus bring another sense into learning experience.
Classroom Discussions: This technique is used in all of the methods described above. It is one of the most important distinctions of student centered teaching methods.

Activity method is more applicable in computer assisted teaching and online learning.

Role of Teacher

The teacher occupies very important position in the activity method. While it is really a sound practice that pupils should involve practically in different learning activities but, in all this accomplishment, the teacher and has to play a vital role. The teacher has got mature experience, deeper and broader knowledge than the pupils. For this very reason, his guidance and prompting is not only desirable but also indispensable. The pupils are out on a venture; they need suggestions and guidance at every step. The teacher has to save the pupils from faltering and floundering. So the teacher has skilfully guided in the selection of activities. The teacher is supposed to give help when help is required. So, let the teacher be a good prompter, just behind the curtain and not make his appearance on the stage itself, for stage is meant and reserved for the actors and actresses, the pupils.
The relations of the teacher to the pupils are to be much closer and informal than it is in an ordinary classroom teaching. He is there like a friend or elder brother with rich and mature experience. He is a

director and not a dictator. His psychological knowledge must be thorough and scientific.
The teacher must be a keen observer and a true sympathizer. He should be able to win the good will of the pupils so that they would not feel discouraged. He should be a storehouse of information and knowledge so that he may anticipate the difficulties before-hand and suggest remedies as and when necessary. He should command respect of the pupils so that the pupils might look to him for help, guidance, support and affection. No method, however good, is ever superior to its teachers. So the need is for devoted educational leaders.
The teacher has still another role to play. He has to see that all the pupil’s work co-operatively. The activity method is based on correlated teaching. This presupposes that the teacher should have knowledge of many subjects. He has to guide the selection and execution of the activities in such a way that the maximum number of subjects concerned is learnt by the pupils; gaps are properly filled. He should see that not only practical knowledge is to be imparted but complete and integrated knowledge is given. Experiences and contributions of the group should provide increased knowledge in the particular context.
Lastly, the teacher should be able to spare enough time for the success of this method. Only a devoted and enthusiastic teacher can make a success of this method, not the discouraged, time-serving, bell- watchers.
Overall in the activity based teaching learning classroom, the teacher’s role is to prompt and facilitate students. Thus, the teacher’s main focus should be on guiding students by asking questions that will lead them to develop their own conclusions on the subjects.

Benefits of Activity Based Learning Approach

-  The learners are actively involved as the environment is democratic.
-  The activities are interactive and student-centered.
-   The teacher facilitates a process of learning in which students are encouraged to be responsible and autonomous.
-  Children learn on their own pace.
-  Provision of more time for self-directed learning and teacher directed learning is reduced considerably.
-  Group learning, mutual learning and self learning are promoted.
-   Teachers teaching time is judiciously distributed among children. Only needy children are addressed by teachers.
-  Children participation in every step is ensured in the process of learning.
-  Evaluation is inbuilt in the system it is done without the child knowing it.

-  Role learning is discouraged and almost no scope for rote learning.
-  Periodical absence of child from school is properly addressed.
-  Classroom transaction is based on child’s need and interests.
-  Freedom to child in learning as he chooses his activity.
-  Multigame and multilevel in learning is effectively addressed.

-  No child can move to the next higher step of learning unless attains the previous one.
-  Sense of event boosts child’s confidence and morale.
-  Attractive cards and activity create interest among children.
-  Scope for child’s development in creative and communicative skills.
-  Children will have a feel of security as they sit in rounds in the groups.
-  Children are allowed to move in the classroom as they choose their activity.
-    Moreover the distance between teacher and the child is largely reduced and the teacher acts as a facilitator rather than teacher.

Limitations of Activity Method

-     Careful consideration of emotionalized controls may be overlooked during classroom activities. Apparently some teachers forget that all classroom activities contribute directly or indirectly to the formation of attitudes, favorable or unfavorable.
-  Some classroom activities become contradictory with values of and culture of the students.
-  This method is time consuming and does not cover the course/subject matter timely.
-   Our teachers are over burden. So they feel difficulty to plan relevant and appropriate activities all the time.
-   Our classes are overcrowded so there is problem to arrange, organize and manage classroom activities properly.
-   Lack of professional training of teachers affects to plan and process the innovative classroom activities such as computer based activities.
-  Lack of physical, financial and instructional facilities become hurdles in the application of activity method.

b) Summarize the main points bearing on the role of research project. 


Uses of Projectors:
1.  Large image: It projects a very large image on the screen form a minimum of projection distance.
2.   Face the class: In this projector the image is projected over the shoulder of the teacher. Therefore, he can face the class at all times. He can maintain eye contact with the students. It helps the teacher to keep watch on the class as or indicates points of importance on the transparency.
3.   Lighted room: O.H.P. can operate in an illuminated room. There is no need of darkening the room. It enables the teacher to develop a ‘circuit of understanding’ by watching expression of others.
4.   Bright image: The lens and mirror arrangement in overhead projector makes it possible to have a bright image even in a well lighted room.
5.   Simple operation: It is simple, easy and convenient to operate the overhead projector. It does not need separate projector operator or the instructor. It permits the teacher to face the class and at the same time operate the machine. Slides can be changed quite easily.
6.  Light weight: The light weight of the equipment makes it portable.

7.   Class control: The teacher can maintain complete class control and interest in a lesson by turning a switch on or off. He, while sitting on hi desk, can indicate specific items on the screen buy location them with his pencil on the slides.
8.   Process on the screen: By putting a piece of ground glass over the slide space the teacher can draw a diagram sketch with pencil or wax pencil and the class can watch the process on the screen. He can also place sheets of transparent plastic over the slides for writing on them. Thus the overhead projector permits the teacher to use the screen as a blackboard.
9.   Large slide: Due to largeness of its aperture it may allow the use of slides of the size 20 X 20 cms or 25 X 25 cms. It may facilitate the preparation of art work for slides.
10.   Use of pointer: The teacher can use a pointer or pencil to point out important details of a slide. He has not to run about the machine to the wall to explain things to the students.
11.   Preparation and presentation of transparencies: Transparencies can be prepared ahead of time, presented exactly when required and quickly remove, when they serve their purpose.
12.   Low cost: Effective visuals can be made in a minimum of time and at low cost. Once a transparency is made, it is permanent. It need not be erased as in a blackboard. It can be stored for recall at any later time.
13.   Easier to write on horizontal surface.
14.   Permits the use of color.

(iv)   Limitations:

1.   Cannot be used for long time.
2.   Writing by some types of writing pens get blotted out on plastic.
3.   Transparencies create a storage problem.

(v)   Advantages:

It permits the teacher to stand in front of the class while using the projector, thus enabling her to point out features appearing on the screen by pointing to the materials at the projector itself and at the same time, to observe the students reactions to her discussion. Gains attention of the student

5.6 Multimedia

Multimedia is a term frequently heard and discussed among educational technologists today. Unless clearly defined, the term can alternately mean .a judicious mix of various mass media such as print, audio and video or it may mean the development of computer-based hardware and software packages  produced on a mass scale and yet allow individualized use and learning. In essence, multimedia merges multiple levels of learning into an educational tool that allows for diversity in curricula presentation.
According Fenrich, 1997 Multimedia is the exciting combination of computer hardware and software that allows you to integrate video, animation, audio, graphics, and test resources to develop effective presentations on an affordable desktop computer.
Multimedia is characterized by the presence of text, pictures, sound, animation and video; some or all of which are organized into some coherent program. (Phillips, 1997).

Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, the concept of multimedia took on a new meaning, as the capabilities of satellites, computers, audio and video converged to create new media with enormous potential. Combined with the advances in hardware and software, these technologies were able to provide enhanced learning facility and with attention to the specific needs of individual users. A primary application of the interactive multimedia for instruction is in an instructional situation where the learner is given control so that he/she may review the material at his or her own pace and in keeping with his/her own individual interests,  needs, and cognitive processes. The basic objective of interactive multimedia material is not s much to replace the teacher as to change the teacher’s role entirely. As such multimedia must be extremely well designed and sophisticated enough to mimic the best teacher, by combining in its design the various elements of the cognitive processes and the best quality of the technology. With today’s multimedia courseware, once a programme has been designed and built in with the appropriate responses, it should be flexible and permit change and alteration.
Today’s multimedia is a carefully woven combination of text, graphic art, sound, animation, and video elements. When you allow an end user, i.e. the viewer of a multimedia project, to control ‘what’ and ‘when’ and ‘how’ of the elements that are delivered and presented, it becomes interactive multimedia.

Click here-- Assignment No. 2: General Methods of Teaching (8601): AIOU Solved Assignment (Autumn 2018)