Monday, October 8

Workplace Ethics: Making Informed Ethical Decisions


Module Name

Module Code

Module Leader

Dr. Syriac Nellikunnel

Group Presentation  and individual reflection
Student Name

Student ID

Student’s Declaration
I certify that this assignment is my own work and where materials have been used from published sources, they have been properly acknowledged. I understand I will receive a mark of 0% for this assignment and may receive further penalties if the content is found to be plagiarised.

Signed: ____________________________________________

Date: _____________________________________________

TITLE: Workplace Ethics: Making Informed Ethical Decisions
Marks: 40 marks (Group Presentation - 30 Marks+ Personal Reflection -10 Marks)
Deadline: 11thWeek
Personal reflection: 1000 words
In a group of four, the students are to choose a case from the below listed cases for reading and discussion. Then students have to follow the steps given after case 5 for making appropriate ethical decisions. Each group should select a feasible alternative and be prepared to discuss their reasoning for selecting that alternative with the rest of the class. Other groups should challenge the decision and give appropriate feedback.
The students will have to pick one of the case study and do a group presentation.  Each Group comprise of 4 students.  Group Presentation time is 20 minutes followed by question and answer session from other teams.

The presentation is to be recorded, uploaded to YouTube (make it private) and send the link to the lecturer.
CASE 1: You have been working in Jio Communications Pvt Ltd, based in Malaysia, since 2010. A junior member of staff has just returned to work after taking special leave to care for her elderly mother. For financial reasons she needs to work full-time. She has been having difficulties with her mother’s home care arrangements, causing her to miss a number of team meetings (which usually take place at the beginning of each day) and to leave work early. She is very competent in her work but her absences are putting pressure on her and her overworked colleagues. You are her manager, and you are aware that the flow of work through the practice is coming under pressure. One of her male colleagues is beginning to make comments such as “a woman’s place is in the home”, and is undermining her at every opportunity, putting her under even greater stress.
CASE 2: Callie is an experienced elementary school counselor in the USA and Paul is her clinical supervisor. Callie’s school principal has requested a list of students and parents/guardians she counsels on a weekly basis and a list of community providers with whom she refers and consults. This data is solicited to complete a quarterly report on school resources and activities. Callie is concerned about disclosing this information, as it is her ethical responsibility to protect client confidentiality. Her reluctance to provide the names is compounded by her prior experience of instances when the principal disclosed confidential information to others, particularly his secretary. Furthermore, Callie has witnessed the secretary sharing confidential information with instructors. Callie seeks Paul’s advice on how to proceed in order to uphold her ethical, moral, and legal responsibilities without jeopardizing her job.
CASE 3: You have been working for a large corporation for three years. The job is tough and you have fought your way up the ladder of success. The manager of your department was your co-worker from two years ago and the power has gone to her head. She is overly demanding and has my way or the highway attitude that grates on your nerves daily. Six months ago, Trish was hired in a position three levels above yours due to years of accounting and SEC reporting experience. Trish and your manger never see eye-to-eye on any issues and there are daily battles between them that you observe. This person talks non-stop most of the day and sits across from you in a cube environment.
One day after a particularly ugly discussion with your manager, this person comes to you and informs you that she is going to quit her job and sue the company. She believes that the manager is treating her unfairly and that it constitutes harassment. You smile politely and blow off the comment as just anger being vented due to the current situation and go on with your day. As time progresses, you hear this same comment about suing the company several more times from your co-worker and you hear her discussing this with several other members of your department.
CASE 4: Kira is a youth development specialist at XYZ Community Agency based in the UK; she helps youth prepare for and connect to jobs. She appreciates youth expressing their gratitude for the important role she plays in their lives, but she has always felt awkward and a little uncomfortable when she receives little “gifts.” She has mentioned her discomfort to various staff. “Don’t worry about it,” “It’s no big deal,” “It’s their way of saying thanks,” “Everybody does it; it’s fine!” are typical responses. Up to now, Kira has graciously accepted “gifts,” justlike everyone else. Early one morning, one of Kira’s youth participants, Angela, comes to her office. “This is for you; thanks for everything you’ve helped me with,” says Angela, thrusting a gift into Kira’s hands. “Open it!” says Angela excitedly. “I’ve got to head off to myinternship in a couple of minutes, and I know you don’t want me to be late.”Kira opens the gift bag and finds a small box with a beautiful set of 24 karat gold earrings inside. A staff member, looking on, is about to say something. but closes her mouth, turns and quickly walks away.
CASE 5: You're the boss in a predominantly male environment company situated in the UK. The presence of a new female employee stirs up conflict because your company has not had a chance to conduct sensitivity training. Some of your male employees make inappropriate remarks to your new employee. She complains to you; in response, you sanction those responsible for the conduct. You also wonder if it would be wise to move your new female employee to another position where she would be less likely to draw attention. Treating your female employee differently based on her gender or in response to a harassment complaint may be considered discriminatory and unethical conduct.
Steps for Making Ethical Decisions
  1. Identify the ethical issue or problem.
  2. List the facts that have the most bearing on the decision.
  3. Identify anyone who might be affected by your decision and how.
  4. Explain what each affected person would want you to do about the issue.
  5. List three alternative actions and identify the best and worst case scenario for each alternative, anyone who would be harmed by this choice (and how), any values that would be compromised by selecting this alternative, and any automatic reasons why this alternative should not be selected (legal issues, rules, etc.).
  6. Reference to relevant theories discussed in class
  7. Determine a course of action.
Evaluation Criteria for Group Presentation:

Presentation Skills
Did not meet expectations 0-1
Met Expectations 2-3
Exceeded Expectations 4-5
Student Score

Speaking v.
(5 marks)
Read most of presentation or
relied too heavily on notes
Referred to notes and read very
Spoke extemporaneously and
read only direct quotes

Connect with audience
(5 marks)
No eye contact with audience; excessively looked back at projection screen or notes; had no enthusiasm or interest for
Generally maintained eye contact with audience; showed interest or enthusiasm for the topic
Attempted to engage audience members from all sections of the room through eye contact and enthusiasm

Visual Aids

Readability(5 marks)
Distracting colors or animation; font too small; too many words
or script of presentation
Appropriate number of words per slide; easily read by audience;
animation limited
Slides used as an outline or for graphics; few words;animation
limited; easily read byaudience

Effectiveness, Quantity and Organization
(5 marks)
Slides did not coordinate with speech; difficult to read slides while listening to speaker; too much information revealed on
Slides. Too many or too few slides; organization of slides did not aid in following points of speech
Slides coordinated with speech; there was little to read that wasn’t being covered by speech. Quantity of slides coordinated with points/subtopics of speech
Slides improved presentation and did not distract audience from thespeech. Quantity of slides coordinated with points/subtopics of speech and helped audience members understand organization and/or


List three alternative actions and identify the best and worst case scenario for each alternative and reference to relevant theories         (5 marks)
Not all alternatives discussed. No discussion on best or worst case scenario. Poor reference to relevant theories.
Clear evidence of alternatives discussed. But lacks depth and analysis. Have some discussion on best or worst case scenario. Some reference to relevant theories.
Clear evidence of alternatives discussed with depth and analysis. Have excellent discussion on best or worst case scenario. Excellent reference to relevant theories.

Determine a course of action.Conclusion.                        (5 marks)
Abrupt ending; no summary or wrap up; failure to provide references (if needed)
General summary or wrap up; speech was brought to a comfortable conclusion; appropriate referencing
Main points were reinforced or take-away messages restated; speech was brought to a purposeful conclusion;
appropriate referencing

Total points:

Presentation Guidelines
·         Your team will create a 12-15 slide PowerPoint presentation summarizing your findings.  The headings from your report should be the same for your presentation and in the same order. 
·         Avoid using  full sentences or paragraph on any slide. 
·         Graphics are fine to use, but keep to a minimum and use only to amplify a point. 
·         Be sure to include your charts and graphs in your presentation.  Charts and graphs should be on its own slide with only a header at the top of the slide. 
·         You will have a title slide and a reference slide and these are NOT included in the slide count.
·         Your presentation will be between 18-20 minutes in length followed by Q&A.  All members of the team must present an equal amount of time.  All members should be prepared to answer questions.
Rules for Group Presentation
Ø  Kindly be on time for presentation
Ø  Please do wear Formal Attire on the day of presentation
Ø  At the time of the Presentation, please submit the PPT  along with Marking Scheme
Ø  All members of the group should be present.  If any student is found absent on the day of the presentation will be marked ‘Zero’ (0) and this will affect the team performance.
Ø  Strictly follow the presentation time, i.e.20 Minutes. One mark will be deducted for each extra minute taken.
Ø  Time Warning Bell:
·         At 18 minutes - Short Bell
·         At 19 minutes- Short Bell
·         At 20 minutes- Long Bell

Personal Reflection (10%): 1000 words
In addition to the group presentation, each student will prepare a personal reflection on the topic presented by their group in 1000 words.  PPT of the group presentation should be attached to the personal reflection.
Evaluation Criteria for personal reflection:

Very Good
Evidence of Reflection
(5 Marks)
Describes and evaluates all events from multiple perspectives; transfers concepts beyond that particular setting; recognizing and justifying the impact of a specific situation on learning.
Describes ad evaluates some events from different perspectives; transfers some concepts; can recognize impact of specific situations on learning.
Describes and evaluates events but stays in one domain.
Uses practical and simplistic statements to describe events; some sense of cause and effect; some sense of transfer.
Descries personal experience only; little sense of cause and effect; little sense of transfer.
Report Presentation and referencing
(5 Marks)
Professional report Presentation and
 Applies all Harvard formatting with accuracy and consistency. There are virtually no errors. If an error occurs, they are minor and isolated.
Very good report Presentation and
 Applies all Harvard formatting with accuracy. Few mistakes are made. If minimal mistakes are made, they are consistent.
Good report Presentation and
Harvard needs work – however basic Harvard formatting is present. Basic items such as title page, page numbering, header, headings, citations, and references are all present but not necessarily perfect. All job descriptions are Harvard cited and referenced.
Satisfactory report presentation and
Harvard needs significant work. At least two basic items such as page numbers, header, headings, citations, or references are missing. Consistent and numerous formatting errors with title page, citations, and references are present
Poor presentation and
Harvard format is not used.

Your report should contain the following:
  • Title Page, including the given title in full.
  • Contents Page
  • Introduction
  • Main body, which should be organised into numbered sections under appropriate headings.
  • Conclusion
  • Appendices, which should be numbered.
·         Reference list 
  • Word count; excluding the Abstract, Contents page, appendices and reference list
·         Please use the cover page provided by the lecturer
·         Its compulsory to use Turnitin or Safe-Assign to check the plagiarism level of your work
·         Please adhere to Harvard referencing. For details refer to  or
Formatting the report
·         The report should be word processed on A4 size paper with 12 font size, Times New Roman, 1.5 spacing.
·         Pages should be numbered.
  • Your name should not appear on the script except in the cover page.
·         Your student ID(s) should be included on every page as a header


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